
Air Conditioned Indoor Swimming Pool
All aspiring students have regular access to the fully air-conditioned and full-fledged swimming pool in the school. The indoor swimming pool of 25 m length and 10 m width with 1 m depth in the shallow end and 2.5 m depth in the deeper end caters to the need of any growing swimmer. The hygienic conditions of the surrounding, temperature and cleanliness of water etc is ascertained and certified on regular basis. Water is warmed during winter with the help of heaters so that children don’t miss classes. There are adjacent cubicles for changing dress and having shower after the classes. Two well trained instructors, for girls and boys separately, with a full time assistant to take care of the trainees are at their service during all school days.
“This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.”
Biology Lab
Indian Educational School, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has a well equipped Biology laboratory with all modern amenities and features. It has an extensive range of scientific models, specimens, slides, charts, instruments,equipments and apparatus that cater to the scientific needs of all levels of classes right from the primary to the senior secondary level. Students experience the real sense of biological concepts by carrying out hands-on practicals here. The Biology laboratory also provides a platform for the budding scientists of the senior secondary section to carry out their projects.

Chemistry Lab
The science faculty of IES is blessed with a fully coordinated lab facility which helps the students to support them in their inquisitive motives to explore the various scientific phenomenons.
The chemistry lab is spacious enough to accommodate nearly 30 students at a time with sufficient working space. The lab has a fume cupboard and all the equipments that support the students’ need for carrying out the project works prescribed by the CBSE for senior classes. Each student is provided with adequate space to work independently in the lab.
The budding scientists of the school get opportunity to observe and perform various activities under the proper guidance of their teachers. The CCE has in fact given more chances for the students to explore the facts around them on a scientific basis for which this lab plays a vital role. The Science Club is very effectively supported by the chemistry lab to perform various activities that are quite fascinating and motivating for the students. The lab caters to the needs of the students from primary to senior secondary classes.
Computer Lab
The school has two well equipped computer labs each with 30 Pentium(R) Dual Core computers set up and managed by the school staff. The Computer Lab is housed in two different blocks of the school, one for the primary and middle sections and the other for senior students. We have set up a reliable network in both the labs to enable sharing of resources.
Computer subject is incorporated in the curriculum right from Class I. The computer syllabus is purely practical oriented and is drafted keeping in mind the age group and its utility to them. We instill the concepts of Ms Paint, Ms Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, Logo, BASIC, Visual Basic, HTML etc. to ensure that students become experts in the booming field of Information Technology. We have well trained and experienced teachers to teach and train children of all age groups. Informatics and Computer Science prescribed by the CBSE are taught to the Senior Secondary Students at school.

Physics Lab
Education as a process has acquired a new dimension with the application of technology in this field. By demonstrating various experiments, scientific concepts are made easily understandable to the students. Catering to the demands of new generation students, IES Kuwait has arranged a full- fledged physics lab which accommodates more than 25 students at a stretch. We have facilities to carry out experiments based on Heat, Electricity, Mechanics, Magnetism etc which enhance the scientific knowledge and create an atmosphere of scientific thinking among students.
Science club activities which dovetail with the lab activities provide students with an opportunity to do many researches much relevant in day to day life. The spring powered rocket, widely acclaimed as an innovative idea, designed and exhibited by our students in SHAASTROTSAV KUWAIT is a voluminous example for the productivity and scientific spirit developed amongst students.
Mathematics Lab
Maths Lab structured in the NCERT guidelines emphasizes discovery, enrichment and verification of facts, reinforcement of ideas and better understanding of concepts through learning by doing with concrete objects and models. This helps the students understand different subtle topics thoroughly through activities. ‘Math Phobia’ now has become a thing of the past, and the resultant power of confidence is splendid indeed. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners. Activities may be carried out by the teacher or the students to explore, learn, and stimulate interest, and to develop favourable attitude towards mathematics. It gives children an opportunity to experience the formulas and logic in tangible form.
Our education aids as dictated by the curriculum are made by the teachers who verify and visualize the mathematical concepts. There are a variety of materials which cater to the needs of students of various age groups. In short the laboratory allows and encourages the students to think, discuss and assimilate the concepts in a more effective and collaborative way.